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EBL Infrastruktur Management AG

Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Investment Solutions for Qualified Investors

EBL In­fra­struk­tur Ma­nage­ment AG (EBL-IM) is a Swiss manager of collective investment schemes supervised by FINMA (Schwei­zer Ver­wal­te­rin von Kol­lek­tiv­ver­mö­gen) - owned a 100% by the Swiss utility EBL (private co-operative Elek­tra Ba­sel­land). Implementing EBL's Group Strategy focusing on the sustainble investment in Renewable Energy Sources (RES) has led to this carve-out of the fund management activities.

Early 2023, EBL initiated the RES Infrastructure Fund EBL X In­vest SCSp, SICAV-RAIF as its first structure investment product to tap into EBL's 125 years of power generation know-how.


solar power system

ESG Art. 9 RES Infrastructure Fonds

Our Luxembourg Fund will diversify its direct investments across Germany, Spain, Switzerland and potentially other suitable EU countries. The Asset Portfolio to be managed by our team will primarily consist of photovoltaic power generation installations with the occasional wind park added as well as suitable grid efficiency projects (storage solutions) feed from RES. To minimize the De­ploy­ment Risk, the fund's initiator, EBL (Ge­nos­sen­schaft Elek­tra Ba­sel­land), has already secured a respective project development pipeline of more than 1 GW for the fund.  EBL's interests are very much aligned with other Qualified Investors in EBL X Invest through EBL's anchor comittment of 50 MEUR towards the 500 MEUR hard cap.
EBL X Invest SCSp, SICAV-RAIF a SFDR Art. 9 Fund

Supporting the goals of the Paris Agreement of COP 21 in 2016, the fund’s power generation assets will replace/reduce a certain amount of CO2, which would have been emitted by fossil fuel based power 
generation instead. The reduction in CO2 will contribute to dampen global warming and thus support directly the Agreement’s main objective of holding “the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2° C above pre-industrial levels” and pursue efforts “to limit the temperature increase to 
1.5° C above pre-industrial levels.”

Please find more details as well as the SFDR Art. 9 / EU Taxonomy information in the Private Placement Memorandum and its respective Annex.

Please download our executive summaries here:


We will gladly present EBL X Invest SCSp, SICAV-RAIF in a personal meeting to you or send you our more detailed information deck about this investment opportunity (incl. Private Placement Memorandum, Subscription Agreement and access to our VDR).


Co­rin­ne Heus­ser
Lei­te­rin In­ves­tor Re­la­ti­ons

Tel. +41 61 926 14 97
Mo­bi­le +41 76 316 12 00
E-Mail: corinne.heusser@ebl.ch

Roger Greiner

Ro­ger Grei­ner
Ma­na­ger In­ves­tor Re­la­ti­ons

Tel. +41 61 926 14 64
Mo­bi­le +41 76 467 81 75
E-Mail: roger.greiner@ebl.ch

EBL Invest In The Media

Regulatory Information


For mar­ke­ting and in­for­ma­ti­on pur­po­ses by EBL In­fra­struk­tur Ma­nage­ment AG, CH (“EBL-IM”), a ma­na­ger of collec­tive as­sets re­gis­te­red un­der the laws of Swit­z­er­land.

This web­site is for in­for­ma­ti­on pur­po­ses only and is not in­ten­ded to be con­strued as a so­li­ci­ta­ti­on or an in­vi­ta­ti­on to make an of­fer, to con­clu­de a contract, or to buy or sell any se­cu­ri­ties or re­la­ted fi­nan­ci­al in­stru­ments. It is not in­ten­ded to pro­vi­de and should not be re­li­ed on for ac­coun­ting, le­gal or tax ad­vice, or in­vest­ment re­com­men­da­ti­ons. This in­for­ma­ti­on pays no re­gard to the spe­ci­fic or fu­ture in­vest­ment ob­jec­tives, fi­nan­ci­al or tax si­tua­ti­on or par­ti­cu­lar nee­ds of any spe­ci­fic re­ci­pi­ent. In­di­vi­du­al in­vest­ment and/​or stra­te­gy de­ci­si­ons should not be made in re­li­an­ce on the views and in­for­ma­ti­on con­tai­ned on this web­site. An in­vest­ment in a EBL-IM fi­nan­ci­al in­stru­ment or fi­nan­ci­al pro­duct should only be made af­ter rea­ding the re­la­ted le­gal do­cu­ments such as pri­va­te pla­ce­ment me­mo­ran­da, pro­s­pec­tu­ses, an­nu­al and semi-an­nu­al re­ports, etc. The fi­nan­ci­al in­stru­ment de­scri­bed her­ein is only eli­gi­b­le for sub­scrip­ti­on by Swiss Pro­fes­sio­nal In­ves­tors as de­fi­ned in Kol­lek­tiv­an­la­gen­ge­setz KAG (Fe­deral Law on Collec­tive In­vest­ment Sche­mes) and Fi­nanz­dienst­leis­tungs­ge­setz FID­LEG (Fi­nan­ci­al Ser­vices Act Fin­SA).

Past per­for­mance is not a re­lia­ble in­di­ca­tor of fu­ture re­sults. The va­lue of an in­vest­ment can go down as well as up and is not gua­ran­te­ed. All in­vest­ments in­vol­ve risks in­clu­ding the risk of pos­si­ble loss of prin­ci­pal (cf. Ge­ne­ral and Spe­ci­fic Risk Sec­tions of the re­spec­tive pla­ce­ment me­mo­ran­dum). Com­mis­si­ons and costs have a ne­ga­ti­ve im­pact on per­for­mance. If the cur­ren­cy of a fi­nan­ci­al in­stru­ment or fi­nan­ci­al ser­vice is dif­fe­rent from your re­fe­rence cur­ren­cy, the re­turn can in­crea­se or de­crea­se as a re­sult of cur­ren­cy fluc­tua­ti­ons. The sustaina­bi­li­ty-re­la­ted as­pects of the fund can be view­ed on the web­site of the ma­nage­ment com­pa­ny. The Ma­nage­ment Com­pa­ny may de­ci­de to dis­con­ti­nue the ar­ran­ge­ments it has made for the dis­tri­bu­ti­on of the units of its collec­tive in­vest­ment un­der­ta­kings in ac­cor­dance with Ar­ti­cle 93a of Di­rec­tive 2009/​65/​EC. Fur­ther in­for­ma­ti­on on in­ves­tor rights is avail­able on the ma­nage­ment com­pany's web­site: https://www.ipconcept.com/ipc/en/investor-information.html

In­for­ma­ti­on her­ein is be­lie­ved to be re­lia­ble, but EBL-IM does not war­rant its com­ple­ten­ess or ac­cu­ra­cy. Some in­for­ma­ti­on quo­ted was ob­tai­ned from ex­ter­nal sour­ces we con­sider to be re­lia­ble. No re­s­pon­si­bi­li­ty can be ac­cep­ted for er­rors of fact ob­tai­ned from third par­ties, and this data may chan­ge with mar­ket con­di­ti­ons. The de­tails and opi­ni­ons con­tai­ned in this web­site are pro­vi­ded by EBL-IM wi­thout any gua­ran­tee or war­ran­ty and are for the re­ci­pi­en­t's per­so­nal use and in­for­ma­ti­on pur­po­ses only. Re­gi­ons/​sec­tors shown for il­lus­tra­ti­ve pur­po­ses only and should not be view­ed as a re­com­men­da­ti­on to buy/​sell. The opi­ni­ons in this ma­te­ri­al may in­clu­de some fo­re­cas­ted views. We be­lie­ve we are ba­sing our ex­pec­ta­ti­ons and be­liefs on re­a­sonable as­sump­ti­ons wi­t­hin the bounds of what we cur­rent­ly know. Howe­ver, the­re is no gua­ran­tee than any fo­re­casts or opi­ni­ons will be rea­li­sed. The­se views and opi­ni­ons may chan­ge.

The web­site is not in­ten­ded for dis­tri­bu­ti­on to or by per­sons or en­t­i­ties with na­tio­na­li­ty of or with their re­si­dence do­mi­ci­le or re­gis­te­red of­fice in a Sta­te or Coun­try in which such dis­tri­bu­ti­on, pu­bli­ca­ti­on, ma­king avail­able or use is con­tra­ry to laws or other re­gu­la­ti­ons. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly, this web­site nor any copy the­re­of may be sent to or ta­ken into the United Sta­tes or dis­tri­bu­ted in the United Sta­tes or to a US Per­son.

This web­site may not be re­pro­du­ced, re­dis­tri­bu­ted, or re­pu­blis­hed for any pur­po­se wi­thout the writ­ten per­mis­si­on of EBL-IM.

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